



  • Year-round recognition on the ARA website as a 钻石 合作伙伴
  • Four (4) Individual 联盟成员hips to the 立博体育赛事房地产经纪人协会 (October 1, 2023 - 9月30日, 2024) 
  • ARA member roster in mailing label or PDF format, upon request (excludes phone #’s & 电子邮件地址)
  • Recognition at the following events: (Please RSVP with attendees’ names prior to each event.)

1. 展示2.8月0日

  • 十张免费门票
  • 8英尺的桌子和大约. 8' x 8'的大厅空间(约2500人)
  • Recognition on all Showcase marketing materials which includes:
    • 发给ARA一般立博体育赛事的电子邮件
    • 发送给FMLS立博体育赛事的电子邮件
  • ARA展示网站上带有超链接的徽标
  • 剧院入口外的指示牌
  • 展示会入口处的认可
  • 主讲人认可:
    • 在主讲人之前,领奖台上的表彰
    • 在主题演讲之前,将Logo投影在屏幕上
  • 所有咖啡馆的桌子上都有印有标志的帐篷卡
  • 剧院识别:
    • Two-minute speaking opportunity prior to an educational session
    • 标志投影在屏幕上,每次会议之前
  • 注意: The partners of Showcase have industry exclusivity as it relates to the Community 合作伙伴 Program and 好处.

2. 教育类

  • 《立博体育赛事》(每年4份):
    • Two-minute speaking opportunity to promote your company to attendees (limited to 1 钻石 合作伙伴 per class)
    • 徽标与超链接在sf5.kkkk0505.com/ethics
    • Logo on email invitation distributed to Association membership
    • 在会议上的口头识别 (~180 in attendance)
    • Opportunity to place a standing banner in classroom displaying company name (provided by 合作伙伴; limited to 1 per class)
    • Opportunity to provide literature and branded handout/ giveaway item to class
  • 继续教育课程(每年6班):
    • Two-minute speaking opportunity to promote your company to attendees (limited to 1 钻石 合作伙伴 per class)
    • ARA教育网页上的标志及超连结
    • Logo displayed on email invitation distributed to Association membership
    • 课堂上的言语识别能力(约180人出席)
    • Opportunity to display standing banner in classroom recognizing company name (provided by sponsor and limited to 1 per class)
    • Opportunity to provide literature and branded handout/ giveaway item to class
  • Annual RE Outlook, and Other Non-CE 研讨会 (~6 per year):
    • Two (2) complimentary admission tickets to the RE Economic Summit
    • Two-minute speaking opportunity to promote your company to attendees (limited to 1 钻石 合作伙伴 per event)
    • Logo displayed on email invitation distributed to Association membership
    • 在会议上的口头识别
    • Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items, marketing materials and/or literature

3. 新立博体育赛事迎新 (每年约9-10次)

  • Two-minute speaking opportunity to promote your company to attendees (limited to 1 钻石 合作伙伴 per class)
  • www上的标志.kkkk0505.com/orientation
  • Opportunity to have one table in the lobby during each in-person Orientation class (Table must be attended by company representative.)
  • 班级注册页面的认可
  • Verbal recognition from the podium (average ~150 attendees)
  • 以视觉呈现方式显示Logo
  • 在活动结束后对与会者的感谢中显示徽标
  • Opportunity to place a standing banner in classroom displaying company name (provided by 合作伙伴; limited to 1 per class)
  • Opportunity to provide literature and branded handout/giveaway item to class

4. 四月的顶级制片人晚会

  • 赠送门票四张
  • 协会网页上的标志及超连结
  • 徽标与事件电子邮件的超链接
  • Company name listed in the 顶级生产商 printed program distributed at the Gala
  • 顶级制作人晚会上的签名表彰
  • 领奖台的口头认可(约1200人)

5. 春季筹款会在五月举行

  • 12张赠票 
    • Sponsor admission tickets do not include entry into Cash Prize Drawing
  • Logo with hyperlink on the ARA Fundraising event website
  • Logo with hyperlink on Fundraising event emails to ARA membership
  • Logo with hyperlink on ARA Facebook Fundraising event announcements
  • 在筹款活动的指示牌上显示的标志
  • Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items or marketing materials at the event
  • Verbal recognition from podium by President and/or Chairman (~350 attendees)

6. 12月举行年度商务会议

  • 赠送门票四张
  • Verbal recognition at event by the President (~350 attendees)
  • Logo with hyperlink in email invitation to the Association membership
  • 网站上带有超链接的Logo
  • 在所有事件营销作品中的认可度:
    • 程序中的Logo
    • PowerPoint上的标志
    • 标牌上的标志

7. Chili Cook比赛(资金将用于巴基斯坦空军)

  • 八张免费门票
  • Includes a team registration with priority plaza booth location
  • 徽标与电子邮件分发的超链接
  • 在活动的标志/横幅上显示的标志
  • 在Chili Cook Off网页上的超链接徽标
  • 社交媒体上的认可

8. YPN事件

  • Two (2) complimentary admission tickets to each YPN event
  • 徽标与所有YPN电子邮件的超链接
  • YPN网页上带有超链接的徽标
  • Logo displayed on signage at each YPN event (~ 40 attendees)
  • Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items or marketing materials at each event
  • YPN roster in mailing label or PDF format, upon request (excludes phone #’s & 电子邮件地址)
  • 获得YPN Facebook群的认可
  • 允许发布视频或文字系列 & 福利-在YPN Facebook群组
  • 徽标与事件后电子邮件的超链接 to ARA membership
  • Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items at each event
  • YPN roster in mailing label or PDF format, upon request (excludes phone numbers & 电子邮件地址)
  • 获得YPN Facebook群的认可
  • 允许发布视频或文字系列 & 福利-在YPN Facebook群组
  • 徽标与事件后电子邮件的超链接 to ARA membership

9. 2024社区服务计划

  • Logo displayed on signage at 社区服务 Project site
  • Logo displayed on ARA 社区服务 Project website
  • 徽标与事件后电子邮件的超链接 to ARA membership

10. 多样性计划

  • 现场或虚拟活动:
    • Two (2) complimentary admission tickets to each Diversity event
    • 徽标与超链接在sf5.kkkk0505.com/diversity
    • 徽标与电子邮件分发的超链接 for Diversity events
    • 在每个多样性活动的标志上显示的标志
    • 徽标与事件后电子邮件的超链接

11. 新兴领袖计划

  • 现场或虚拟活动:
    • Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items or marketing materials at each event

钻石级福利- 2024虚拟编程

  • Allow 钻石 level Community 合作伙伴s to use “Official Community 合作伙伴 of the 立博体育赛事房地产经纪人协会” for promotional purposes during the year in which they are a 钻石 Level 合作伙伴.
  • Logo displayed on ARA’s most frequently visited webpages including the Home page, 立博体育赛事和新立博体育赛事介绍页面.
  • Recognition as a 合作伙伴 of Capitus Real Estate Learning Center with logo displayed on the Capitus website.
  • Opportunity for your company representative to speak for up to one minute at the start of an ARA Board of 董事 meeting during a “Community 合作伙伴 Moment”. (每年每次会议限1名钻石合伙人.)
  • Receive verbal recognition during all virtual events (including Facebook Live, 视频, 虚拟小组讨论, 和类).
  • 有机会参加立博体育登录, class, 社交媒体帖子, or video that has been produced by your company promoted/ posted to the full ARA membership - up to once a month - on social media (Facebook and Instagram) with a paid boost ($120/post value).
  • Logo displayed in an “Announcement of NEW 2023 Community 合作伙伴” via email and/or social media graphic.

钻石,铂金的付款计划 & 金牌合作伙伴:

Community 合作伙伴s at the top three levels may pay in up to three installments. The 1st payment is due upon commitment; the 2nd payment is due on February 1st; and the 3rd payment is due on April 1st. 所有合作伙伴的认可开始于 收到第一笔付款,从2024年1月1日开始. Thank you for your support to 立博体育赛事房地产经纪人协会 in furthering our commitment to Promote, 保护 & 自1910年起捍卫产权.